Top 10 Free Best AI Content Writing Tools for 2024

Top 10 AI content writing Tool List
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List of Best AI Content Generator

The quill dipped in ink may be a relic of the past, but the creative fire of storytelling still burns bright.

In the digital age, however, writers wield a new kind of magic wand – AI content writer tools.

These technological companions are redefining content creation, banishing writer’s block, and boosting productivity with the speed of a rocket launch.

But with so many options swirling in the digital ether, choosing the perfect AI co-pilot can feel like navigating a cosmic library of Babel.

Fear not, intrepid wordsmiths! This deep dive unlocks the secrets of the top 10 AI content writing tools for 2024, dissecting their features, pricing, and potential to transform you into a content-generating machine.

1. Jasper AI (formerly Jarvis): The Swiss Army Knife of Content Creation

Jasper reigns supreme, a true jack-of-all-trades who masters both long-form content and marketing prowess.

Craft captivating blog posts and articles, weave persuasive ad copy and landing pages, and even conjure scripts for videos and podcasts – all with an AI butler at your beck and call.

Jasper’s adaptability to writing styles and SEO optimization skills make it a versatile champion for any writer, from seasoned novelists to marketing maestros.


  • Long-form and short-form content generation (up to 10,000 words)
  • 50+ content templates (blog posts, ads, landing pages, emails, etc.)
  • Multiple writing styles and tones (formal, informal, humorous)
  • SEO optimization and plagiarism checking
  • A/B testing for marketing copy

Pricing: Starts at $49/month

Best for: Content creators, marketers, agencies, writers seeking versatility and power

2. Rytr: The Budget-Friendly Bard

Don’t let the price tag fool you. Rytr packs a punch for short-form content like social media posts, product descriptions, and email campaigns.

Its user-friendly interface and diverse templates make it perfect for beginners and casual creators, allowing you to churn out engaging captions and punchy product descriptions without breaking the bank.


  • Short-form content generation (up to 750 words)
  • 30+ content templates
  • 20+ languages supported
  • Tone and style adjustment
  • Grammar and plagiarism checking

Pricing: Free plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $9/month

Best for: Social media managers, entrepreneurs, budget-conscious creators, short-form content needs

3. Writesonic: The Long-Form Sorcerer with SEO Secrets

For those craving marathon writing sessions, Writesonic weaves spells of lengthy content, generating blog posts, articles, and even ebooks in minutes.

Its built-in research and SEO optimization ensure your content is both informative and search engine friendly, driving traffic and boosting your online presence.


  • Long-form content generation (up to 10,000 words)
  • SEO optimization and keyword research
  • Content repurposing and summarization
  • Plagiarism checker and readability analysis
  • Multi-language support

Pricing: Free plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $15/month

Best for: Bloggers, content strategists, SEO specialists, long-form content creators

4. Copysmith

Need a copy that resonates like a siren song? Copysmith crafts persuasive marketing magic for everything from ads and landing pages to emails and social media.

Its AI-powered A/B testing helps you fine-tune your words, ensuring they convert like the Pied Piper himself.

Whether you’re launching a new product or captivating potential clients, Copysmith equips you with the perfect pitch.


  • Marketing copywriting templates (ads, landing pages, emails, etc.)
  • A/B testing and conversion optimization
  • Personalized targeting data and copy variations
  • Headline and tagline generators
  • Built-in SEO optimization

Pricing: Starts at $47/month

Best for: Marketers, copywriters, business owners, and anyone focused on conversions

5. Article Forge: The Research Alchemist

Tired of digging through endless data? Article Forge does the heavy lifting, delving into the internet to create accurate, SEO-optimized long-form content.

Its ability to schedule and publish directly to WordPress makes it a content creator’s dream.

Sit back, watch the research unfold, and focus on weaving your magic into the content while Article Forge gathers the bricks and mortar.


  • Long-form content research and generation (up to 2,500 words)
  • Automatic citations and references
  • Content scheduling and WordPress integration
  • SEO optimization and plagiarism checking
  • Multiple language support

Pricing: Starts at $57/month

Best for Bloggers, content strategists, SEO specialists, and those needing research-backed content

6. ShortlyAI: The Brainstorming Muse

Struggling to overcome writer’s block? ShortlyAI is your creative muse, whipping up prompts, blog post outlines, and catchy headlines to kickstart your writing engine.

Its focus on idea generation makes it a valuable tool for any writer feeling stuck, offering a spark to ignite that next brilliant piece.


  • Content brainstorming and idea generation
  • The blog post outlines and topic clusters
  • Headline and tagline suggestions
  • Creative writing prompts and character development tools
  • Built-in plagiarism checker

Pricing: Free plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $19/month

Best for Writers with creative block, brainstorming sessions, idea development

7. InkForAll: The Grammar Gremlin

While others focus on creation, INK polishes your existing content to a sparkling shine.

This AI editor combs through your work with a keen eye, ensuring clarity and conciseness with precise grammar and style suggestions.

Its plagiarism checker and readability score analysis make it a must-have for anyone serious about polished prose, letting you present your work with confidence.


  • Grammar and style checking
  • Sentence rephrasing and clarity suggestions
  • Plagiarism checker and originality reports
  • Readability score analysis and improvement tips
  • Tone and style adjustment

Pricing: Free plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $10/month

Best for Writers of all levels seeking to improve grammar, clarity, and style

8. Scalenut: The Data-Driven Detective

Need an AI partner with a Sherlock Holmes-level grasp of data? Scalenut analyzes your target audience and competitors to create high-performing content with laser precision.

Its content calendar and project management features make it ideal for teams collaborating on content strategies, streamlining workflow, and ensuring everyone is on the same page.


  • Audience analysis and competitor research
  • Content gap identification and topic suggestions
  • SEO optimization and keyword research
  • Content calendar and project management tools
  • Team collaboration features

Pricing: Customized plans based on your needs

Best for: Content strategists, marketing teams, agencies, businesses needing data-driven content


Want one tool for all your content needs? tackles a kaleidoscope of possibilities, from blog posts and ads to product descriptions and social media captions.

Its extensive library of templates and intuitive interface make it a user favorite for content creators of all stripes, letting you craft engaging content across various platforms without needing to switch tools.


  • 40+ content templates for various formats
  • Multiple writing styles and tones
  • Creative writing prompts and story starters
  • The blog post outlines and topic suggestions
  • Headline and tagline generation

Pricing: Free plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $49/month

Best for Content creators of all types, beginners seeking versatility, social media, and marketing content

10. The Research Researcher

Drowning in keyword research and competitor analysis? throws you a life raft, helping you find relevant topics, research keywords, and optimize your content for SEO.

Its content gap identification and competitor analysis features are invaluable for staying ahead of the curve, ensuring your content resonates with your audience and dominates the search engines.


  • Keyword research and topic suggestions
  • Content gap analysis and competitor research
  • SEO optimization and content scoring
  • Backlink analysis and outreach tools
  • Content calendar and project management

Pricing: Starts at $49/month

Best for: SEO specialists, content strategists, agencies, businesses focused on SEO and competitiveness

This article has hopefully illuminated the landscape of AI content writer tools, equipping you with the knowledge to choose the perfect digital co-pilot for your 2024 writing journey.

So, grab your keyboard, summon your AI muse, and watch your content creation soar to new heights


  • Long-form, in-depth articles: Tools like Jasper AI, Article Forge, and Writesonic excel in generating extended content with strong research and SEO optimization.
  • Catchy headlines and engaging intros: ShortlyAI can spark creativity with prompts and outlines, while Rytr provides templates for snappy intros and outros.
  • SEO-friendly content that ranks high in search engines: dives deep into keyword research and competitor analysis, while Scalenut analyzes your target audience to create high-performing content.
  • A user-friendly interface and budget-friendly option: Rytr and Copysmith offer easy-to-use platforms and affordable plans, perfect for beginners.


1. Are AI content writing tools better than human writers?

AI content writing tools can generate drafts quickly and help overcome writer’s block, but they lack the creativity, depth, and nuance of human writers. The best approach is to see AI as a helpful assistant, not a replacement for human creativity.

2. How much do AI content writing tools cost?

The price of AI content writer tools varies depending on features, usage limits, and subscription plans. Some offer free basic plans, while others charge monthly or annual fees. Consider your needs and budget before choosing a tool.

About Author

Matthews is a Professional Content writer and AI and NLP enthusiast, who merges technology and language expertise with a decade of experience in blog writing, eBook, etc..

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