Top 10 Best Free AI Resume Builder Tools for 2024

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Best Artificial Intelligence(AI) Resume(CV) Builder List

In the relentless pursuit of career dreams, the humble resume remains your key to the castle gate.

But crafting a standout resume, packed with impactful language and tailored to specific roles, can feel like wielding a paintbrush after being handed a palette of emotions.

Fear not, job seekers! The AI revolution has arrived, bringing with it a legion of intelligent assistants ready to transform your resume from a rough draft to a masterpiece.

Here’s our curated list of the top 10 AI resume builder tools for 2024, poised to empower you to craft a career-defining document:

1. Kickresume: The All-in-One Powerhouse

Kickresume packs a punch with its comprehensive suite of AI-powered features.

Its intuitive interface guides you through each section, suggesting relevant keywords, action verbs, and accomplishments based on your experience and target job.

Its resume builder integrates seamlessly with a cover letter generator, interview prep tools, and a career advice library, making it a one-stop shop for your job search arsenal.


  • AI-powered resume builder with dynamic content suggestions
  • Cover letter generator and personalized interview prep tools
  • Extensive career advice library and helpful blog resources
  • Multiple resume templates and customizable formatting options
  • Affordable pricing plans with a free trial


Pricing: Free trial; Paid plans start at $29.95/month

Best for: Job seekers of all levels looking for a comprehensive and easy-to-use AI resume builder with additional career resources

2. The Speed Demon with Tailored Precision

Need a lightning-fast resume in minutes? has your back. Its AI engine analyzes your LinkedIn profile and other online data, generating a tailored resume draft in a flash. But doesn’t sacrifice quality for speed.

Its AI suggests industry-specific keywords, highlights your most relevant skills, and even provides personalized feedback to further refine your document.


  • AI-powered resume generation based on your online data
  • Tailored content suggestions for specific job roles and industries
  • Personalized feedback and recommendations for improvement
  • Easy-to-use interface and quick resume creation process
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $8/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $8/month

Best for: Busy professionals needing a quick and tailored resume with personalized feedback

3. Rezi: The AI Writer & Grammar Guru

Rezi isn’t just an AI resume builder; it’s a writing sidekick and grammar maestro rolled into one. Its AI engine analyzes your resume content, offering suggestions for conciseness, clarity, and impact.

Rezi even recommends alternative word choices and sentence structures, elevating your writing to a professional level.

It’s like having a Hemingway in your pocket, ready to polish your prose and impress hiring managers.


  • AI-powered writing suggestions and grammar correction tools
  • Content analysis for clarity, conciseness, and impact
  • Recommends alternative word choices and sentence structures
  • Integrations with popular job boards and applicant tracking systems
  • Affordable pricing plans with a free trial


Pricing: Free trial; Paid plans start at $7.99/month

Best for: Writers and professionals seeking to enhance their resume writing with AI-powered grammar and style suggestions

4. Enhancv: The Personalization Pro

Enhancv believes every resume deserves a personal touch. Its AI engine delves into your career story, extracting key accomplishments and tailoring your resume to specific job descriptions.

It even goes beyond the written word, suggesting relevant visual elements like graphics and charts to visually communicate your strengths and experience.

Enhancv makes your resume unique and memorable, ensuring you stand out from the crowd.


  • AI-powered resume personalization based on your career story and target jobs
  • Suggestions for visual elements like charts and infographics
  • Career coaching and personalized feedback from experts
  • Focus on storytelling and highlighting your unique value proposition
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $14.99/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $14.99/month

Best for: Creative professionals and individuals seeking to personalize their resume with storytelling and visual elements.

5. Novoresume: The Global Citizen’s Ally

Crossing international borders in your job search? Novoresume understands the complexities of navigating diverse markets.

Its AI engine tailors your resume to specific countries and industries, ensuring your skills and experience resonate with local hiring practices.

Novoresume also offers translations in multiple languages, making it a global job seeker’s dream come true.


  • AI-powered resume localization and translation for international markets
  • Multilingual resume templates and industry-specific content suggestions
  • Cover letter generator and interview prep tools tailored for different countries
  • Career advice and resources for navigating international job markets
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $12.99/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $12.99/month

Best for: International job seekers and professionals targeting diverse markets

6. Resume Genius: The ATS Optimization Master

Landing in the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) black hole is a job seeker’s worst nightmare.

Resume Genius comes to the rescue with its AI-powered ATS optimization tools.

Its technology analyzes your resume and suggests keywords and formatting changes that make your document scannable and irresistible to ATS algorithms.

No more languishing in the digital abyss; Resume Genius ensures your resume gets noticed by the right eyes.


  • AI-powered ATS optimization for increased resume visibility
  • Keyword suggestions and formatting recommendations based on target jobs
  • Cover letter generator and interview prep tools with ATS-friendly tips
  • Extensive library of resume templates and industry-specific guides
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $7.95/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $7.95/month

Best for: Job seekers concerned about ATS compatibility and wanting to maximize their resume visibility

7. Zety: The Anonymity Advocate

Privacy matters, especially in today’s digital age. Zety understands this, offering a unique anonymous resume builder experience.

You can craft your resume without providing any personal information, ensuring your skills and experience take center stage.

Zety also offers a “Blind Apply” feature, allowing you to submit your resume without revealing your name, empowering you to break down unconscious biases in the hiring process.


  • Anonymous resume builder with privacy protection features
  • Blind Apply option to remove personal information from job applications
  • AI-powered resume suggestions and content recommendations
  • Extensive career resources and interview prep tools
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $2.49/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $2.49/month

Best for: Job seekers seeking privacy and anonymity in their job search

8. Skillroads: The Creative Career Catalyst

Are you a creative professional struggling to translate your artistic flair into a compelling resume?

Skillroads is your answer. Its AI engine analyzes your portfolio and online presence, extracting keywords and achievements relevant to specific creative roles.

Skillroads then suggests creative resume templates and content formats, allowing you to showcase your talent in a visually impactful way.


  • AI-powered analysis of your portfolio and online presence
  • Creative resume templates and visual content suggestions
  • Tailored content recommendations for specific creative industries
  • Career advice and resources for navigating the creative job market
  • Free trial; Paid plans start at $9.99/month


Pricing: Free trial; Paid plans start at $9.99/month

Best for: Creative professionals seeking to showcase their talent in a visually impactful and unique way.

9. VisualCV: The Visual Storytelling Champion

Forget dry, text-heavy resumes. VisualCV embraces the power of storytelling, allowing you to craft a visually compelling resume that goes beyond words.

Its AI engine suggests relevant visuals like infographics, charts, and even video snippets, transforming your resume into an interactive experience.


  • AI-powered suggestions for visual elements like infographics, charts, and videos
  • Interactive resume template creation for a dynamic and engaging experience
  • Integrations with popular design tools for customization
  • Career resources and expert advice on visual resume best practices
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $14.95/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $14.95/month

Best for: Visual and creative professionals seeking to stand out with a visually captivating resume

10. Jobscan: The ATS Whisperer

Worried your resume isn’t speaking the language of ATS?

Jobscan can help. Its AI engine scans your resume against specific job descriptions, highlighting keywords and phrases that match the employer’s criteria.

Jobscan also provides a score indicating your resume’s compatibility with the ATS, allowing you to fine-tune your document for maximum impact.


  • AI-powered ATS compatibility analysis and keyword suggestions
  • Score calculation indicating your resume match with specific job descriptions
  • Detailed insights on keyword density and readability
  • Career resources and tips for optimizing your resume for ATS
  • Free basic plan with limited features; Paid plans start at $8/month


Pricing: Free basic plan; Paid plans start at $8/month

Best for: Job seekers concerned about ATS compatibility and seeking to optimize their resume for specific job postings


The landscape of job search is evolving, and AI resume builders are leading the charge.

With an arsenal of intelligent features at your fingertips, you can craft a resume that not only stands out but resonates with hiring managers.

Remember, the perfect AI tool is the one that aligns with your individual needs and career aspirations.

So, explore, experiment, and unleash the power of AI to build a resume that ignites your next job adventure.

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